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21st Eurocom Worldwide Conference in Helsinki navigated AI’s potential and explored new approaches to managingPR agencies Celebration of Robin Baker’s two decades of chairing

The 21st Eurocom Worldwide Annual Conference took place from 12th to 14th September  2024 in Helsinki, Finland. PR agency leaders from around the world navigated AI’s potential  for both disruption and opportunity for their profession as well as exploring new strategies to manage their businesses in the light of global economic changes and generational  upheavals.  

The conference was attended by a record number of 32 delegates from across Europe, the  Middle East, the US and Asia Pacific. This year’s agenda followed a new concept based on a  larger scope of group discussions, each moderated by two agency leaders with different  entrepreneurial backgrounds who catalysed and led these discussions from different angles  to maximise the learning and findings for all participants. 

Reinventing the Agency Business Model 

Delegates discussed AI’s impact on the way PR agencies create and deliver value for clients, as well as evaluating the potential of AI-generated synthetic personas. They also navigated  the potential for leveraging custom tools – AI-based or others – across the daily  management of their agencies. 

Another core session focused on key success drivers for PR agency management in times  of fluctuating budgets and rapidly transforming service offerings. The final conference  session addressed the question: What makes a PR agency ultimately special and sets it  apart from its local as well as international competitors? 

Conference Chairman Mike Maynard, CEO of Napier in the UK, commented on the  conference outcome: “Don’t trust anyone who claims to have the answer to such complex  questions as those we raised at our conference. Neither AI nor the most experienced PR  expert will be able to solve all of these problems. But the benefit of our global group is that  we could jointly develop answers that have a practical impact for our members.”

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